Curriculum Guides
Safety Training Curriculum
In recent years, students have been seriously injured and even killed while trying to get the perfect shot. Had these accidents been avoided, those students would still be with us today, and the universities responsible could have avoided millions of dollars in litigation. The best defense against an accident is education.
The FilmSkills Safety Training Program incorporates OSHA workplace standards with the unique safety demands of on-set production to build an online training program in line with California IATSE safety requirements. This 14-module course, taught by Safety Pass instructors, features engaging videos, illustrated companion guides, downloadable reference charts, and a testing tool to ensure comprehension of the material.
Learning Objectives
Students learn industry-standard, IATSE safety procedures for a production. Students learn to recognize the signs of an unsafe work environment, procedures to prevent unsafe working conditions, and potential remedies to create a safe environment for the cast, crew, public, equipment, and location.
About the Lessons
Every box in the curriculum outline below is a self-contained lesson, complete with a 20-30 minute long on-set video tutorial, test questions, projects and exercises, and downloadable resources to enhance the lesson.
Lessons can be mixed and matched to create a custom learning path in each class, and while the curriculum below is our recommendation as the content producers, you can select any lessons you wish when building each class, including lessons from other categories.
Download the Complete Curriculum Catalog
The catalog features complete descriptions and video durations for every FilmSkills Academic lesson. You can look up each lesson from the curriculum flow chart below for more information.